Lesson 4: Making
objects with characteristics and behaviour with selection statements
This lesson
will look at how we can use some of the commands available to us in Minecraft
in order to make things respond to what we do in game. To do this we will make use
of the selection statement that we learnt about previously, which is the 'if'
First thing we
will need is to familiarise our self with how to get the players position as we
will be needing this a lot. The commands that we could use are:
Both functions
return a set of 3D coordinates, the difference being that getPos()
gives us the exact position of the player, whereas getTilePos()
gives us the coordinates of the tile that the player is currently on. In order
to get these coordinates into a usable form, we assign them to a variable in
the following way:
x, y, z = mc.player.getPos() or x, y, z = mc.player.getTilePos()
Now we have the
x, y and z coordinates saved into separate variables and we can use each
Making your
player teleport
So let's start
with something simple, open up the game if you haven't already and create a new
python file from the terminal to write your code into. At the top write in the
following lines:
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
Now, we want to
check where the players position is, and then if they go more than 20 blocks in
the x direction we will teleport them back to the start. We can set the players
position using the following command:
y, z)
Where the x, y
and z are the coordinates that you choose to put the player at. So using these
commands we can build the following statement:
x, y, z = mc.player.getPos()
if x > 20:
mc.player.setPos(0, 0, 0)
But if we run
that now it will go through the code once and if the player is not already over
20 blocks away nothing will happen, to fix this we need to make the code
repeat; we will do this using a while loop, with the exit condition set to True
(what this does is mean that the loop will never stop).
You should end
up with following code, save it and press f5 on the keyboard in order to run
import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
While True:
x, y, z = mc.player.getPos()
if x > 20:
mc.player.setPos(0, 0, 0)
Try walking
more than +20 blocks in the x direction and test it out! When you want the code
to stop running you need to click on the terminal and press 'ctrl' and 'c'
together on your keyboard.
That works in
one direction, can you make it so it works for both directions? (Hint: your
'if' statement will need an 'or' in it somewhere)
Now see if you
can do it for all 3 axes!
What happens if
you dig a hole 20 blocks straight down from the start?
HereÕs where your position is shown
We can
find your players current position by looking on the top left of the screen in Minecraft,
using this you can go to a place you'd like to teleport to and remember the
coordinates, try making a program containing the following code:
import mcpi.minecraft
as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
mc.player.setPos(x, y, z)
Where x, y and
z are the coordinates that you found just now. Move away from that square and
try running the code, you should teleport back to that square.
Now try
building a house and making a teleporter that makes
you jump from one room to another!
For our final
piece we are going to build a trap to keep those pesky intruders out! First we
need to build a corridor leading to the front door of your house, it needs to
be at least two blocks wide and 3 high. Next dig out the floor layer of all the
blocks within the corridor.
Next we want to
lay some stone blocks in a pattern in the pit that you dug so that you can jump
from one block to another in order to get to the door of your house. Here is
what a stone block looks like:
Now that you've done that, you
need to fill in any leftover spaces with some cobblestone blocks, they look
like this:
You will end up
with a floor that looks something like this:
From here we
want to find the corner with the lowest x and z coordinates, so walk to each
corner and look in the top left of the screen to find out which it is. Make a
note of the two numbers and then head to the opposite corner which will have
the highest x and z values, make a note of these too, and also the y coordinate
Now we want to
create a statement that says if the player walks on a cobblestone square then
make the floor disappear from beneath their feet. So to start with we are going
to write:
x, y, z = mc.player.getTilePos()
if mc.getBlock(x, y, z) == 4:
y, z, x, y Ð 20, z, 0)
So the command mc.getBlock(x, y, z) tells us what type of block there is
at a given coordinate; it happens that '4' is the number that represents a
cobblestone block. The next line sets the blocks from immediately below to 20
blocks below to block type '0' which is air.
To test your
code is working go stand on a cobblestone block then try running the program,
if all is well then youd should fall down a deep pit
which has suddenly appeared. But once again this only happens when you run the
program, we want it to keep checking if we have stood on a cobblestone block so
we need to put it in a 'while True:' loop again!
While True:
x, y, z = mc.player.getTilePos()
if mc.getBlock(x,
y, z) == 4:
mc.setBlocks(x, y, z, x, y Ð 20, z, 0)
Great, so that
sort of does what we want, but now every single cobblestone block that we ever
stand on is going to disappear when we stand on it; we only want that to happen
in our corridor. That's where the numbers we wrote down earlier come in.
We need to
create a statement to check that the player is within the corridor, so we
x, y, z = mc.player.getTilePos()
if a <=
x <= b and c <= z <= d and y == e:
if mc.getBlock(x,
y, z) == 4:
mc.setBlocks(x, y, z, x, y Ð 20, z, 0)
Where 'a' is
the lower x number you wrote down, 'b' the upper x number, 'c' the lower z
number and 'd' the upper z number; 'e' is the y value that you wrote. So
putting it all together:
while True:
x, y, z = mc.player.getTilePos()
if a <= x
<= b and c <= z <= d and y == e:
mc.getBlock(x, y, z) == 4:
mc.setBlocks(x, y, z, x, y Ð 20, z, 0)
Now the only
way to get safely through your corridor is to jump between the stone blocks!